1. Overview of the garden on the balcony of the apartment
Living in an apartment is an option for people who work in big cities. There are many advantages that can be obtained but also many disadvantages that must be faced. One of the drawbacks of living in an apartment is that there is not enough open space for a garden like in a landed house. But the advantage is that the rent is cheap and is in the middle of the city.
Perhaps, the only area that can be used as an outdoor space in the apartment is the balcony. That is usually small or narrow. However, with these shortcomings, you can still create a garden design concept on it. As a reference, here are some beautiful small apartment balcony garden designs.
2. Attractive balcony garden design
Even though living in an apartment has become part of people’s lifestyles, especially for those who live in big cities. It turns out that there are still many people who are still difficult to have a place to live. So it is feared that it will be difficult to be creative to arrange the dwelling as desired.
Living in an apartment will not hinder you in your activities to organize space. You can take advantage of the available space in the apartment as much as possible, such as presenting a small and beautiful garden on the apartment balcony.
The balcony garden in addition to adding to the aesthetics of the residence, the apartment balcony garden can also be used as a cool relaxing spot to enjoy the beauty of the stunning city view at night from a height. Or it is also suitable as a small and beautiful garden. Well, for those of you who are planning to create a small garden on the balcony, here are some tips you can do.
3. Tips for creating an interesting relaxing place
Living in an apartment makes it difficult to find a garden. Therefore, the only open area is the balcony. Therefore, to decorate as a relaxing place, you can add chairs and tables and some ornamental plants. That way, you can use it as a place to relax while enjoying the open air.
Then, turning the balcony into a beautiful garden is not impossible to realize. You can create a more pleasant place to relax in this place. By designing like this, you are indirectly helping to refresh the environment. At least you can create a relaxing space in your apartment. Well, if you are interested in trying it, here are some small garden ideas to provide green space on the apartment balcony.
Put the Bean Bag
There are many types of furniture that you can put to turn the apartment balcony into a beautiful garden. It can be used as a place to relax after being tired of daily activities. One of which is put colorful soft floor pillows, popularly known as the bean bag, which is perfect for seating.
The nuance that is presented in the afternoon is as if you are relaxing on the beach of the Island of the Gods because this floor pillow has become the choice of the cafe there. Not only that, you can use it as a spot to see the beautiful view of the city at night.
Decorate with plants
The garden in your apartment unit is getting neater and cooler with the addition of ornamental plants in the corners. You can feel the beauty of the atmosphere like in the countryside, by decorating the edges of the balcony using flower pots or small minimalist plants. To look more attractive, don’t just choose one type of plant mix and match it with other plants to bring a beautiful color harmonization. If the atmosphere of the balcony is gorgeous, you will feel more comfortable relaxing in this place.
Add synthetic grass carpet
Green grass can make our eyes look fresher. Therefore, to add a beautiful feel that soothes the eyes on the balcony in your apartment unit, use artificial grass. Using this grass is very popular because it is practical, and is no need to bother planting it or doing routine maintenance by trimming or watering it.
The presence of a synthetic grass carpet makes the atmosphere of a small garden in your apartment even fresher. To make it look more beautiful, you can add some ornamental plants to the pot, then arrange a wooden chair with a letter L model for your relaxing place. But don’t forget to make the fence higher to prevent accidents.
Tips for making a hanging garden
This method is perfect for those of you who want to make the most of the apartment balcony so that it becomes more attractive. In this place, you don’t need a lot of lands. You only use the area to create a hanging garden illuminated by enough sunlight. That way, you can use the wall area to install a variety of plant choices such as cactus, red betel, or lee Kuan yew plants, then hang them in beautiful pots.
In addition, how to make the garden can be applied optimally if you buy an apartment that provides a balcony area as in the apartment above. Then, another advantage is that you can arrange garden tables and chairs to relax and enjoy your favorite plants. With this design, you will be busy taking care of your plant hobbies while on vacation. Happy decorating!
Rooftop garden balcony
Turning a balcony into a roof garden can be done with an overhaul in several parts. The balcony floor can be carpeted, and use artificial grass to strengthen the impression of the garden. Then, you can place the outdoor chairs according to your needs. However, for a small balcony, please use a slim chair is the best choice so that the space looks spacious.
In addition, color selection is more important. As in the example above, white dominates. So that the balcony looks cleaner and more spacious, and to look more attractive, you can add garden lights, ornamental plants, and beautiful garden knick-knacks. That way, your balcony garden design feels comfortable and fun.
Homey feel with wooden and rattan furniture
Occupying an apartment can make you miss the atmosphere of your grandmother’s house in a beautiful village with plants. Moreover, the moment when relaxing on the terrace of the house while looking at the trees will certainly make you feel calmer. This experience would be difficult if you lived in an apartment.
However, to treat your homesickness a little, you can design an apartment balcony with a traditional theme. The use of wooden or rattan furniture can be done at the same time as placing plants in earthenware pots. For a more natural feel, you can decorate the balcony with tropical plants. Choose plants that are broadleaf, bushy or creeping plants. That way, your balcony garden design can treat your longing.
Beautiful balcony garden with pot arrangement
Plants pot are not just a place to plant. Pots can also be a beautifying element. Currently, there are many types of pots that can be chosen. Plants placed in pots are the most favored choice by mothers for their apartment balcony gardens. To look more attractive, you can be creative in arranging plant pots in the corner of the balcony with the choice of pots you like. Then, add a flat chair to relax while enjoying the plants in your pot. That way, your stress will go away.
More lively balcony flower fence
An apartment balcony that is too small will usually make the occupants not want to change many things because it will make it narrower. They generally put the pot on the floor. Therefore, you can try buying a pot with a hook so that it can be attached to the balcony railing. To look more beautiful, place plants that you like, such as flowering plants, if you want the balcony garden to look more vibrant. That way, the design of your garden looks more aesthetic.
Space-saving corner garden
The limited space on the balcony forces us to use the remaining space wisely. The corner seems to be the most appropriate to be arranged into a garden. You can design some plants in pots there.
To make it look more natural, you should place different types of plants in character. Then, to add beauty, you can place a sculpture, a small container as a manifestation of the pond, and so on. However, these supporting elements should not make the apartment balcony garden look full and crowded. Therefore, design the garden according to the area of your balcony. That way, you are freer to relax.
Apartment balcony garden to relax
If possible, you can turn the apartment balcony into a comfortable garden to relax with your family. Place a chair or sofa on one side and a plant rack on the other. Then, decorate the apartment balcony garden with decorative lights. So it looks more beautiful to live in.
As far as we know, the balcony can be designed even with limited space. For that, you just need a little creativity so that the arrangement is right it doesn’t seem cramped. Hopefully, the creative ideas above can be an inspiration to help you create a private garden that suits you.
Romantic balcony garden
Every couple wants a romantic atmosphere. Therefore, many of them create this atmosphere by designing a beautiful garden in their home. To create a romantic feel, they can bring beautiful pink flowers, decorative plants, and modern pots.
In addition, warm white lights can make the balcony look warmer and more comfortable and suitable for relaxing. Therefore, if you have enough land, you can create a beautiful garden and place chairs and a small table at the end of the balcony like in the picture above. In addition to the hangout area, you can use this balcony as a dining room. That way, your balcony garden design will look beautiful and aesthetic.
Boho balcony design
Boho or Bohemian is an interior design style that is synonymous with bright colors and beautiful ethnic motifs. Therefore, this design does not limit the house owner to mixing various patterns and colors in the apartment. This design plays with classic and colorful objects.
To look cool, you can place a sofa, some soft pillows, blankets, and carpets on the balcony. That way, you can already realize the Boho design. Other decorations as woven wood and outdoor ornamental plants can also be beautiful accents on the garden balcony. With this design, your balcony design will look aesthetic and artistic.
A mini playground on the balcony
The balcony has always been used as a place to play with children. To make them feel at home to play, make the playing atmosphere more fun by turning the balcony into a mini playground. For safety when they fall, choose artificial grass and faux wood planks as the floor. Then, the balcony area should be easy to adapt to the weather conditions outside. Then, you can design plant pots with shelves or hang them on the wall. Then, don’t forget to make a high fence for your child’s safety.
European theme balcony garden
The balconies in the style of terraced houses in Europe are fairly easy to recognize because they have identical characteristics. Therefore, you can try to apply this European-style balcony concept in your apartment. The trick is the balcony is simply decorated with various potted plants and arranged in various corners. So it looks more attractive.
Usually, European balcony gardens are synonymous with flower plants. So they look more aesthetic. That way, the balcony becomes comfortable for various activities such as relaxing in the afternoon while drinking koi to eating together.
Balcony garden with vertical garden
Having a garden on a beautiful and graceful balcony is everyone’s dream. Therefore, you can make a vertical garden that is currently a trend for your apartment balcony. This concept is very suitable if the balcony has a narrow area but wants to look green. The garden and some furniture can also be the center of attention, both from inside and outside the apartment. We hope this design can be an inspiration for you.
Balcony garden for gathering
The green atmosphere in the garden can make you feel fresher and more enthusiastic. As in the picture above, the wood-covered floor, trimmed green plants, as well as several benches and tables can already give a garden feel to the balcony. This design can make the room feel cool when inviting business colleagues to discuss or invite friends to gather in the apartment.
However, don’t forget to pay extra attention to the choice of furniture because the climate and weather are hot and accompanied by rain. With an arrangement like this, your apartment will feel pleased with the presence of a balcony garden. Hopefully, this design can be an inspiration for you and your family.
Garden creations on the balcony for a picnic room

Plants as screen
Balcony garden to relax
Presenting a small garden landscape on the balcony
If arranging plants on a balcony garden can make the atmosphere of your apartment look beautiful. The idea of organizing this garden can channel your hobby of gardening. In this way, the balcony has been designed like a home garden. The landscape is complete with grass, rocks, and stepping stones. Don’t forget to create a sitting area to relax on the wooden floor.
However, what you need to remember before making a balcony garden is a matter of plant water flow or drainage. Do not let the balcony area become flooded or seep water damage the floor and walls. Armed with the above reference, a picnic on the balcony garden is no longer mere wishful thinking.
That’s the garden design on the apartment balcony that we can review. We hope this design suits your taste. But to make it, you must prepare a sufficient budget and the best design so the results are satisfactory and according to your wishes. But if you want to design your own garden on the balcony, you can choose the picture we reviewed above. Hopefully, this review can be an inspiration for you. Then make your apartment design look aesthetic. Happy decorating!