Every person or family would want to have a house with an attractive design to be comfortable to use, but not a few families who have problems when designing a house and among them a small hook. The small room does not mean you can not design, only the goods or furniture that you can place in the room is limited.

In this article, NextHomeGenertor will help you looking for a design idea for a bathroom that has a narrow size. Maybe some information and tips from us can make you well and create a comfortable bathroom.


Maybe for some people, the room does not really need a good design, but with the development of design science and the sense of satisfaction of everyone makes some families want an attractive design for their bathroom so that it can be used comfortably.

How to Design a Small Bathroom

The bathrooms generally have a small room, but not a few houses that have a spacious bathroom with a variety of attractive designs and some even have a luxurious design. For those of you who have a small bathroom, now you can also have an attractive design even with the design and selection of the right furnishings can change the small room for more comfortable. Here we will help you by providing an idea or tips that you might try.

Design Concepts

The first railing, of course, you must have a design concept for your bathroom. With this can help you to have a comfortable bathroom for use, because with a concept then your design will be more regular. For the concept of design, you can imitate the photos below.

Konsep Luxury

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Minimalis Design

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Modern Design

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Color Selection

Color selection can also affect indoor conditions. Use bright colors, because bright colors can give a broad effect on the room.


This is very important to note because most people or families are too excessive to use a variety of bathroom furniture that in the end it actually adds a narrow room. Little tips from us, use the furniture that is needed just to save the bathroom space.

And that’s some important things to note when designing a bathroom with a small size. Thank you for visiting, and do not forget to visit again to find various information about the design of various rooms that can give you inspiration.


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